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Joanna Vander Vlugt

Being fed up with free and paid software out there, Joanna moved her podcast to Alitu for reliability (she has amazing guests), editing speed (she's a busy author too) and worry-free production (she's not an audio-engineer).

All this allows her to focus on talking and connecting with amazing authors more and giving back to the community – things that got her into podcasting in the first place.

Who are you (the host)?

Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. As a teenager, she drew charcoal portraits and wrote mysteries. Her short mysteries Egyptian  Queen and The Parrot and Wild Mushroom Stuffing were published in Crime Writers of Canada mystery anthologies.

Her essay, No Beatles Reunion was published in the Dropped Threads 3: Beyond the Small Circle anthology. The Unravelling, her debut novel, featuring the sister duo, Jade and Sage, was a Canadian Book Club Awards finalist as well as its sequel, Dealer’s Child.

She is currently working on book three in the series. Joanna is proud of her conversational-style weekly podcast JCVArtStudio and the artists and authors she’s interviewed. Episode 127 kicks off season 4 on Saturday, January 21, 2023.

What made you start your podcast?

I am an author and artist. I never thought I'd become a podcaster. In the beginning of the pandemic, during lock-down, I needed to connect with people. When I advised the Crime Writers of Canada that I was starting a podcast, I was surprised at how many authors also wanted to connect.

Authors, new writers, tune in weekly and we learn from each other and have a good time. I've repeatedly been told that I'm a good interviewer, because I make the guest feel at ease.

This compliment means so much to me. As an author, I'm a bit of an introvert. I learned something new about myself.

How has Alitu helped you?

Alitu makes podcast publishing easy. I'm an author. I write every day. I have guests booked 6 months in advance for my podcast. Alitu makes constructing a podcast recording easy. It's easy to upload the recording; it's easy to edit the recording and Alitu, through its software, creates a professional sounding podcast.

Let Alitu do the heavy lifting for you.

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Why should we all listen? ❤️

JCVArtStudio is a fun, conversational-style podcast featuring bestselling and up-and-coming authors from around the world. Listeners will laugh, cry and forget about life listening to this fun podcast.

That sure got us convinced! Click here to listen:

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